Hearing Loss Forecast To Rise by 40%

UK Charity Forecasts Large Rise in Hearing Loss

The number of people in Britain suffering hearing problems is expected to rise by 40 per cent by 2035 amid a rapidly ageing population, a UK charity has forecast.

One in Five Expected To Suffer Hearing Loss

The charity, Action on Hearing Loss said the number of people suffering hearing loss will rise from the one in six who suffer currently, to one in five. They have called for more investment in treatment and research into hearing loss to be undertaken in the UK. The charity went onto say that the last year had seen the first cuts to the provision of free hearing aids in the history of the NHS. Seven English health board areas are refusing hearing aids to most patients, or only providing them in one ear. The charity says too little funding is going into research, so that cures which could be “within our grasp” remain out of reach.

What About Hearing Loss in Ireland?

With our similar demographics it would appear that we may also be facing a large increase in hearing loss in Ireland. The WHO recently also advised of their fear of a dramatic rise in hearing loss in younger people. This however is expected to be caused by the misuse of personal music players. The Action on Hearing Loss report warned that just £1.11 per person with hearing loss is spent researching potential cures in the UK. That could be compared with £11.35 for every person with sight loss. The data shows that there are now 11 million people in the UK with hearing problems, including profound deafness, this is predicted to rise to 15.6 million in two decades.

Waiting Too Long For a Hearing Test

Current research suggests that people wait a decade on average before seeking help for their hearing loss. This is probably the most worrying aspect of the report for hearing healthcare professionals. There is now strong evidence hearing loss increases the risk of dementia, mild hearing loss is thought to double the risk of developing dementia, moderate hearing loss leads to three times the risk, and severe hearing loss, five times the risk. With our current knowledge it is important that people with hearing loss get treatment as quickly as possible, not delay it. 

Get Your Free Hearing Test in Dublin

If you have any worries about your hearing, please feel free to contact us on 1800 848 888 to arrange a free hearing test in Dublin or at any of our hearing aid centres across Ireland, alternatively, you can book online below now.